The steel castings production processes may be different from each other foundries, but the manufacturing process applied inFundiciones Great Wall follows the following steps:

Project and design
The starting point for the procedure for making castings is the order received from the client.
Moulding and coremaking sectionThe sand moulds are made in the respecting moulding facilities.
Melting and casting
For obtaining the liquid steel the scraps and ferroalloys are melted in electric induction furnaces of medium frequency placed in the melting section.
Demoulding of the castings is produced with the separation of the molding sand (containing sand) of the casting good, operation that is performed by a vibrating shake-out system.
As a result of this two parts are separated:- The casting good, which will follow the rest of the manufacturing processes,
- and on the other part , the sand, that be used for recycling.
Demoulded steel goods are ready for shot-blasting.
Shot-blastingThe solid pieces/goods (as cast) are collected in a basket which is subsequently introduced into a shot-blasting machine , where the rest of sand that still remain attached to the casting is removed by projecting steel granules.
Sleves-feeders cuttingAfter the shot- blasting process the goods are prepared for the next step, the sleves-feeder cutting process, removing the entries and the channels designed from the feeding system of the good.
Heat treatments
The solid piece/good (as cast) part is subjected to special heat treatments, in order to achieve the mechanical properties of strength, hardness and toughness.
Once the heat treatment is finished, the goods pass to the deburring processes.
In this process are performed the operations to remove existing burrs on the workpiece.
Quality control and inspectionAll casting processes are subjected to specific quality control procedures (dimensional and visual inspection, hardness, magnetic particles control, X-ray,…), ensuring that the defects found and any stage of the process do not pass to the following processes.
The whole manufacturing process of steel casting ends with the machining of the castings to obtain the final dimensions and tolerances required by the customer.The main machining operations that are performed by Great Wall Foundry : and turning, milling, drilling and balancing.
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